As we followed the plan, we should go to Restaurant Wah Tian again. On that day, Bobby and I arrived at the restaurant earlier than the other 2 fellas as usual. However, the restaurant has been fully reserved by a couple for wedding dinner, I supposed. Since we had no choice and the time was short, we quickly moved to another restaurant which is just few steps away.
We settled down and ordered the tea from the waitress(captain?). We told her that we were still waiting for 2 friends and just wanted to order the tea 1st, but that biatch gave us a impatient and lclcy face. Damn, I should have snapped her lcly face. Anyway, Bobby said he's very hungry and ordered the satay. So here is the 1st dish.
Satay. Normal taste. big zzz
After the 2 fellas arrived, we ordered few of the dishes. What do you call this?
Seremban Egg, not bad =)
Salad Shrimps. Are salad shrimps suppose to look like this?
Vege, whatever you name it, it sucks!
Main course #1 - Salt Egg Crab. Not bad, I like this.
Main course #2 - Black Pepper Crab. I would say this sucks, the black pepper is too heavy but still eatable.
Look how much I ate :P
90's typical nerd look lol
Bobby's cute look #1
Bobby's cute look #2 lol
Wosip, must be staring at chicks la!
Had a argument with Wosip during the dinner lol.
Wosip: It's kilobit per second la. MingKAI: You noob, fuck you! It's kilobyte per second!
Conclusion: Lousy restaurant, lousy and lcly waitress, lousy food, salad shrimps do not look like salad shrimps, that vege does not taste what it supposes to taste. The only eatable dish is the Seremban Egg LOL, what do ya think?
2 weeks ago, 1 of the lunchai - Alvin has organized a BBQ + Mabuk Session at his house. If not mistaken, is this our 1st BBQ party? As I remembered, we had the steamboat party @ 2004 and DoTA LAN party @ 2005 lol
It's really lol when you look back the old photos.
Yummy..our 1st steamboat party??
Sushi some more...
Steamboat party 2004 weeeeee
DoTA LAN Party @ 2005 lol
Look at DD, see how serious he is, must be watching porn la!
Whose head is that? lol
Believe me, when I saw these photos, it brought me back to the past and lol. How insane are we? Purposely carry the whole set of PC to DD's house and play DoTA? Man, I can't stop laughing, whose idea was that?
Any party between 2006-2007? Can't really remember. 2008, Alvin organized this BBQ + Mabuk session. Indeed, we had another wonderful night ^^
Cheese sausages & squid ball
Alvin's secret recipe lamb chop
Thanks for the serving Alvin lol
Yummy..chicken wings & lamb chop! My favorites!
Chicken wings, do they contain your secret recipe too Alvin?
I said Thanks only, but don't need purposely to cook til burnt ok?
31st October suppose to be Halloween, but also my birthday ^^. When we are young, we keep hoping that the birthday will come as soon as possible because you are getting birthday presents, celebration from friends and family. But til recent years, it reminded me that I'm getting older and older when I celebrate my birthday. What did I worry exactly? I can tell you, I don't know zz..Just have some weird feeling.
Anyway, this year, some of my friends and lunchai still remember my birthday lol. I have capped all the sms and decided to post it here for future memory =). Hope you all don't mind. buddy Lebon aka Bobby sent me exactly at 12am..amazing lol
Part 2. Thanks buddy ^^
My jimui - Jeslyn
Part 2
Another jimui - cute haha
Surprisingly, my long lost ex-colleague still remember my birthday = =
I thought someone sent this wrongly, when I scrolled down a bit, >.<...niama..jenjobs spam me again. And yes, jenjobs almost spam me 1 vacancy a day active til send me birthday wish zzz Even my DotA kaki also know my birthday = =..Friendster's reminder? XD
Lunchai DD, this year a bit late :P...busy doing what there?
Another DotA kaki, thanks man!
My sister, thanks ya!
Lunchai 2008 - Alvin..must be very "busy" in Phuket lol
Amazingly, my buddy Bobby invited me for dinner @@..walao..he sacrificed "friday night" and treated me for dinner lol..Thanks man, really appreciate it =). He brought me to the nearby restaurant and he told me the restaurant is new and he already been there for more than 10 times = =...When we reached there, the time is already 7pm++. Without further delay, he quickly ordered the food. Of course, crab is a must ^^
First dish was vege..biasa....
2nd dish, what you call that in English?
Sizzling tofu with mince meat..very nice!
Unknown FREE soup that doesn't look like a soup
The main dish - 奶油蟹
Surprisingly, we tapau (finish) all the dishes muahaha...
OMG, I'll be going there again with lunchai next week haha..crab crab crab =)